Col. M. Rajgopal | TranscendOrg
Healthcare organizations require a very high degree of professional management so as to meet the key twin objectives of providing qualitative customer services as well as ensuring the desired profitability. Hospitals are no longer only physician centric, but focus on multiple factors to include competent human resources , for success over the long term.
Today we have an industry leader, Col. M. Rajgopal, who is the founder of TranscendOrg. We are thrilled to place Col. M. Rajgopal under the edition “Influential Leaders to Follow in India 2024.”
Prime insights: Can you provide an overview of the company?
TranscendOrg is a premier consulting enterprise whose objective is to guide healthcare organizations to institute futuristic and impactful people management systems that will enable them to achieve their desired objectives. We are into HR management consulting, offering a complete range of HR interventions classified into five categories:
- HRM for Start-Up Organizations
- Organizational Developmental Initiatives
- Managerial/Leadership Training
- Clinician Leadership Programs
- Executive Coaching for Managerial Positions
Prime insights: Please brief us about your niche programs?
Training of Managers in Healthcare
Healthcare organizations require a very high degree of professional management to meet objectives, and good talent is not readily available, making it necessary for organizations to build capability from within their cadre.
HODs/Managers Training
Effective people practices are essential in enabling the delivery of efficient services and customer satisfaction. Most managers have joined the healthcare sector after their basic academic training. It is also well known that college-based academic training does not adequately cover many industry-specific and job-related competencies, creating a dire need for HODs and managers training.
Doctor/Clinician Training
Clinicians become truly engaged when they forge an emotional bond with the organization. Highly engaged clinicians are directly linked to better patient care, enhanced quality, process efficiency, increased retention, and lower costs. They are often more loyal, more cooperative, and more willing to work through challenges while providing constructive feedback. There is a need to enhance this clinical competency with the addition of complementary knowledge and skills.
Clinician Leadership Program (CLP)
Healthcare systems that are serious about transforming themselves must harness the energies of their clinicians by inculcating leadership skills. Healthcare transformation will require leadership, and that leadership must come substantially from doctors, whether they play formal management roles or not. The training design of the CLP primarily covers topics related to health system sciences like clinician leadership, handling healthcare teams, healthcare economics, building relationships, mindfulness, etc.
Prime insights: Brief us on the inception story of the company.
The TranscendOrg team members have the experience of working in healthcare organizations for more than 15 years each. Hence, they understand the impact of good HR management on patient care. Good systems around service providers has a huge influence on patients care. TranscendOrg was established in 2018 . The name of the firm indicates that organizations can be facilitated to transcend to a higher plane of functioning through good people management systems.
Prime insights: How do you manage to keep the balance between your personal life and your professional one?
For us, it is really a passion and mission to improve patient care through good people practices. Our job will be satisfactorily done, even if a few patients are cured or saved, because of our motivated and well-administered staff. Hence, sometimes there is no dividing line between work and life. Work becomes life, and life becomes work! However, we do have systems to wind down, such as traveling, reading, and indulging in outdoor games and activities. Reading books on healthcare is a hobby.
Prime insights: As a business leader, was your story of struggle any different?
I am not aware about what specific struggles other leaders went through and, hence, whether our struggle is any different. However, the initiative of TranscendOrg has less to do with trying to achieve financial break-evens and has more to do with the vision of helping healthcare organizations set up good people management processes so that they positively influence patient care.
Prime insights: What kind of clientele does your company serve?
We serve healthcare organizations, i.e., public healthcare systems, private hospitals, diagnostic chains, rehab centers, fertility clinics, etc. We have even helped organizations abroad and have worked with the Dubai Health Authorities, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Healthcare Dept., etc.
Prime insights: How do you sustain the pace with changing market trends?
We institute processes in various healthcare organizations and are in touch with ground-level realities. We also participate in different healthcare forums. Our members are up-to-date due to focused reading. We are quite active on social media in the healthcare arena.
Prime insights: Do CEOs truly face equitable competition in today’s dynamic business landscape, or has complacency fostered an ‘it’s okay’ attitude towards their position?
No CEO can survive if he or she has an ‘okay’ attitude. The demands and expectations placed on him / her are huge. Business performance, quality of service, client engagement, and employee management are some of the things he /she is responsible for. The business world is too competitive, and a good CEO is required to take the company through all the challenges.
Prime insights: How important is employee satisfaction to your company, and how do you ensure it?
We are a small firm with only a few employees and are like a family, which keeps us motivated and engaged. All of us have stayed together for more than fifteen years. Also, the mission and goals of the organization keep us motivated to achieve what we set out to do.
Prime insights: Who are your role models, and what do you convey to the ones who look up to you?
I look up to doctors and nurses who toil to cure patients. The exceptional humane nature of some people and their attitude to heal the sick, come what may, is what keeps me motivated. I also strive to walk the talk by practicing empathetic servant leadership.
Prime insights: What are your thoughts on business leaders’ participation in the entrepreneurial world?
TranscendOrg is itself a start-up organization, and the journey has been tough but satisfying. In tough times, it is the purpose and the mission of the organization that keeps one going. Importantly, I believe that for an entrepreneurial initiative to be successful, it must fulfill a couple of essential needs.
- It must have a marketable product or service that fulfills an essential customer need.
- It must have adequate resources to sustain itself, at least for the initial year without much business.
- The marketing strategy should be clear and impactful
- It must have a passionate team of dedicated people
- The pricing policy must be correct and competitive.
- Client management must be of high order.
Prime insights: What does the future of the company hold?
There is a large market space for the company. We need to touch more lives, organizations, and patients. We could diversify our organization abroad, especially in countries where healthcare is not so developed. e.g. Africa.
Prime insights: What key milestones and achievements does the company highlight?
We have undertaken unique initiatives not normally resorted to in healthcare.
- Helping Dubai Health Authorities and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Healthcare Dept.
- Training for doctors in subjects related to health system sciences.
- Conducted long-term leadership programs for senior management.
- Conducted visioning exercises for organizations and departments
- One-on-one coaching for senior management and doctors.
Prime Insights: Finally, do you have a message you’d like to convey to our readers?
The healthcare sector is rapidly growing, with numerous players investing in healthcare organizations. Herein lie the advantages and disadvantage. While investments are necessary, hospitals should not become solely business enterprises. This removes public trust in healthcare. It is imperative to prevent the commercialization of healthcare so that all beneficiaries receive high quality healthcare.
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