10 Reasons to Go Organic: Benefits for Your Health and the Planet

10 Reasons to Go Organic: Benefits for Your Health and the Planet


10 Reasons to Go Organic

“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients.” – Julia Child

It is rightly said that health is wealth. While running towards achieving all the complexities of life, health is one of the most crucial things in life that is being ignored today. A good health is a certificate towards a better life. When we look at all the progress today’s world has made, we realize this has a lot of negative impacts. These negative impacts are creating devastating scenarios in our lives, and to come back from such impacts, we, at an early age, should focus on a healthy lifestyle. Good eating habits with regular exercise, quality sleep, mindful thinking, etc. are some of the ways in which we can ensure we are living a good life.

When we look at western countries, they suffer from a great number of health issues, such as obesity, diabetes, heart issues, skin issues, depression, etc., that are caused by their unhealthy eating habits. There are many studies that state healthy food results in a longer life. Organic food is quickly becoming people’s favorite because of its immense beneficial qualities, not only towards one’s health but also the environment. Organic foods are produced without any harmful or synthetic chemicals like chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc., which can cause harmful impacts over one’s body. Organic food can be categorized as dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and meat.

You might be wondering why to choose organic food. Well, the answer is simple. Benefits of organic food surpass the benefits of conventional food.

Many leading fitness gurus and healthcare workers are suggesting to make this positive change because of the health benefits of organic eating.

Some of the plant-friendly organic practices are organic farming, crop rotation, switching to renewable energy, agroforestry, polyculture, hydroponics, livestock integration, water management, etc.

Below we have listed some of the reasons to go organic.

10 reasons to go organic.

  1. More nutrients when compared to conventional food
  2. Organic food helps to avoid hormones and antibiotics in animal products.
  3. Helps to protect the environment
  4. Planet-friendly organic practices help preserve natural resources.
  5. Protects our future generation
  6. Better treatment towards animals
  7. Organic food helps to avoid genetically engineered food and Genetically modified organisms.
  8. Organic foods are way tastier.
  9. Organic foods don’t have chemical
  10. Organic food helps to safeguard agricultural diversity.

More nutrients when compared to conventional food

When we look into organic versus conventional food, we can quickly analyze that organically grown food has way more nutrients, such as minerals, enzymes, vitamins, proteins, etc., when compared to conventional food. There are many studies that compare the similar quantities of both organic and conventional food and have proved that the organic food has way more nutrients, due to which an organic diet for better health is one of the best decisions.

Organic food helps to avoid hormones and antibiotics in animal products.

There are many health benefits of organic eating; a prominent one is that organic food does not have unnaturally added hormones, antibiotics, drugs, etc. to the cattle. These hormones are the leading cause of making such animals unhealthy, and products from such animals are usually more dangerous and have toxins and chemicals.

Helps to protect the environment

Switching to organic food helps in protecting the environment. It prevents soil erosion and promotes healthy farming practices. This leads to a strong ecosystem that is immune to external factors. Planet-friendly organic practices ensure a stronger environment. Positive environmental impact of organic farming is a boon to our future.

Planet-friendly organic practices help preserve natural resources.

Organic practices help preserve natural resources. Organic farming avoids using harmful chemicals, which can have a devastating impact on farm life, leaving it infertile. These toxic chemicals eventually hamper the soil and biodiversity.

Protects our future generation

Organic practices are the way to safeguard our future generations’ interests. Good-quality food ensures healthier genes and can help to prevent many diseases. Good eating habits result in better mental capacity.

Better treatment towards animals

In organic farming and practices, animals are treated way better when compared to the conventional food industry. Animals are provided with clean water, shelter, adequate sunlight, outdoor activities, healthy food, and, in general, are not given external hormones or drugs. Due to all of the above, these animals are under much less stress and are way healthier.

Organic food helps to avoid genetically engineered food and genetically modified organisms.

Organic food is the way if one wants to avoid genetically engineered food and genetically modified organisms. GMOs are, in general, not regulated and have an unhealthy impact on one’s life. One can totally avoid GMOs by opting for organic food.

Organic foods are way tastier.

One of the most important reasons to opt for organic food is that organic food is way more tastier. These foods are naturally of high quality due to being grown on healthier soil and organic practices. These plants are strong and have better appearance and taste compared to conventional food.

Organic foods don’t have chemicals.

Organic food helps to avoid unhealthy chemicals that are used to produce conventional food, such as man-made pesticides, etc. Consuming foods that are tainted with such chemicals can lead to many serious health problems.

Organic food helps to safeguard agricultural diversity.

In the past decade, we have lost a lot of diversity due to constant genetic modification being done on the food that we are currently consuming. Organic farming practices are one way to ensure that agriculture diversity is maintained in the long run.