15 Tips to Increase Social Media Followers

social media

15 Tips to Increase Social Media Followers

Social media engagement is a key metric for any kind of online interaction, online businesses etc. Your fans can turn into your social media followers if they are engaged properly. The time devoted to building such relationships can not only generate a greater audience but also create a large number of sales with positive reviews.

Let us look into some ways on how to grow your followers on social media:

1. Set your specific SMART goals

The concept of SMART goals is an important presence for social media and every brand should set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. The concept of ‘SMART’ stands for:

  • S-Specific
  • M-Measurable
  • A-Achievable
  • R-Relevant
  • T-Time-bound

2. Be transparent and identifiable

For generating huge social media engagements, never come out as a faceless identity with zero personality. Let your fans or followers know who you are and what your career line is.

3. Target your audience

Post to outlining your goals, now outline your target audience. Check out for the customer, industry players and influencers who can stand as your brand’s voice. Be specific in your profile information, posting schedules, content published and the social media sites you are active on.

4. Design a to-do calendar

Create a content calendar that can manage:

  • Fine-tuning of your posts for each platform without jumping between sites.
  • Timing your posts to generate engagement in real-time.
  • Prevents you from repeating the same content and ensures the uniqueness of your articles or pictures from one another.

5. Strengthen relationships rather than the number of followers

Making a huge count of followers is a vanity metric. There can be thousands of followers that ignore your content or casually visits your site. Rather keep a strong base of hundred followers who can enrich your social media presence.

6. Lead marketing in the right way

Automation makes marketing correct. So, fast-forward your activities to the present date. Remember, customer care is a personalized piece of social media not automated. So do not use it in dealing with the actual customers but use automation in the form of curating content.

7. Make account engagement optimizable

Profiles can be optimized using relevant images, important keywords and by entering your account information. For example, brand promotions can be made easily using Facebook and Instagram hashtags.

8. Stay visual rather than relying on simple content.

Posting a photo/video on Facebook or Instagram‘s image-based platform is bountiful. This generates more engagements than any write-up content.

9. Do not just sell but help

Although it is important to push offers and deals to your followers in an eCommerce platform, what is more, important is answering your follower’s questions through replies or content marketing promptly. This can offer solutions to problems instead of pitching your products.

10. Make a known presence

Let the world know about your growing social media presence. From homepage feeds to icons on your site footer, followers coming in contact with your brand can never let go of becoming a huge long-term fan. Make your look highly authentic through Keds features and cross-promotion on your website.

11. Focus on what’s trending

Check out trending hashtags, the latest brands and breaking news to get a great opportunity in turning an old brand into a new one thus boosting your brand’s personality. It also drives away a controversial audience.

12. Monitor your activities

There are tons of analytical tools that identify your performance trends, top-performing content and essentially highlight your social media presence by the numbers. This makes your social media base more like a platform of research than just a guessing game based on time.

13. Pay without being afraid

All social media links do not come for free so invest strategically on certain platforms like Facebook’s updated algorithm and new business features on Instagram that advertise your business through engaging ads.

14. Stay active on social media platforms

Never become inactive on social feeds as it can make your brands plain and simple. Rather let your content gather cobwebs from Facebook or Instagram and show a ‘day-to-day’ with fresh content. Incorporate social scheduling and prioritize your social networks to re-impose the gear of your content base.

15. Create content that your audience wants

In a world where everyone is creating one or the other content, stay unique and build yourself apart from your competitors. Make your original blog post or research rich with eye-popping information that forces others to stop in their tracks and infuses more followers into your line.
