Genome Performance: Lighting up the Indian Automobile Aftermarket Industry since 2011

The 10 Most Promising Brands to Watch in 2024

Genome Performance

The Indian aftermarket auto accessories industry is experiencing a boom. Consumers are demanding more than just basic add-ons in their cars; they want performance upgrades and customization options. This shift has created a gap in the market for innovative and high-quality products.
Genome Car Accessories was founded in 2011 by Joy and Yuga Mukherjee. Genome specializes in aftermarket lighting solutions for cars, and their “GENOME” brand has become a fixture in the industry. The brand was one of the pioneers to introduce and specialize in performance projector headlights in India.
Genome understands the importance of a strong network. They have a team of skilled technicians in over 21 Indian cities, providing pre- and post-sales support. They are also pioneers in headlight customization through organized channels. Their commitment to quality is evident in their manufacturing processes and the warranties they offer.
In this exclusive interview for our prestigious “The 10 Most Promising Brands to Watch in 2024” edition, we delve into the minds of Joy and Yuga Mukherjee. We’ll learn about the inspiration behind Genome, the challenges they faced, and the strategies they used to win the hearts of their customers. We’ll also get insights into their future plans and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Stay tuned.

Prime Insights: What sparked the idea to start your company, and how did you turn that idea into reality?

In 2010–2011, I noticed a transition in the Indian aftermarket accessories segment from a traditional, vanilla outlook to more performance-oriented upgrades that end users were searching for. Car styling, advanced lighting solutions, and performance upgrades were gradually becoming more popular. We quickly recognized the limited choices available back then for upgrading stock lights. There was little awareness about advanced product solutions, customization techniques, and retrofitting, all of which were still in their early stages in India. This gap in the market presented itself as the initial stepping stone and business opportunity for us.

Prime Insights: What were the most significant hurdles you encountered during the early stages of your business, and how did you overcome them?

The early days were tough. We battled consumer mindsets stuck on generic accessories. We needed to educate them about performance upgrades and customized choices. Training our sales channels on these advancements was another hurdle. Finding skilled talent for sales and after-sales was crucial too. So, we tackled these head-on with product drives, technology training sessions, and workshops that emphasized both style and safety. These initiatives helped us gain traction and break into the market.

Prime Insights: In what ways does your brand cultivate trust in the market, and what unique qualities set it apart from competitors?

We started Genome over a decade ago with a focus on one thing: aftermarket lighting solutions for cars. Our “Genome” brand has been a fixture in the industry ever since. We were one of the first to bring innovative products to India, like projector headlights, daytime running lights, and HID lighting systems.
Building a strong network was always important to us. Today, Genome boasts a skilled team of technicians in over 21 Indian cities, providing pre- and post-sales support locally. We’re also known as pioneers in retrofitting and customizing headlights through our organized channel network.
Our dedication to innovation and quality has been recognized by enthusiasts, automobile critics and the brand has been featured in several publications over the years. Genome brand of Headlight Projectors is still the market leaders & is one of the highest selling Indian brand in aftermarket segment. It’s been a great journey, and we’re excited to see what the future holds for Genome!

Prime Insights: What core values and principles underpin your brand’s promise of trust and reliability?

Our deep-rooted experience with a captive manufacturing setup in Chakan, Pune, since 2011 has given us a strong understanding of technology and quality. Our parts are of the highest quality and meet or even exceed original equipment (OE) standards. Our company has an in-house product development team with an extensive technological and market-related knowledge base accumulated from over a decade of experience in handling manufacturing, channel partners, end users, and on-ground service. All our products and services, along with those offered by our resellers, come with manufacturing warranties covering craftsmanship, performance, and quality.

Prime Insights: What innovations or new product categories have you introduced this year to keep your brand relevant and exciting?

As Indian consumers become more aware of global lighting advancements, the aftermarket lighting scene is booming. The rise of SUVs and luxury vehicles, along with improved infrastructure, is fueling the growth of the accessories market. LED technology has been a game-changer, and we’re seeing strong demand for categories like heavy-duty fog lights, off-roading lights, and daytime running lights.
To stay ahead of the curve and cater to evolving customer preferences, we’ve launched our new brand, RAYLUX. It allows us to tap into these latest trends and deliver innovative lighting solutions that meet the needs of today’s discerning drivers.

Prime Insights: How have you established a strong presence in your industry, and what strategies have helped you win the hearts of your customers?

At the heart of the Genome ecosystem lies our promise to provide seamless pre-sales and after-sales service, and it is because of this that Genome currently has one of the largest teams of in-house, skilled technicians for local support in all major markets. Soliciting feedback from our channel partners and principles and actively listening to customer needs and their concerns are also taken up frequently by our 360° feedback mechanism. We strive to continuously innovate and introduce new products and features that address customer needs across productivity, safety, and style, for which we have our designated product development team working behind the scenes.

Prime Insights: In your view, what defines an ideal customer relationship, and how does your brand strive to achieve it?

An ideal customer relationship is built on trust, communication, and mutual benefit. Our brand achieves this by actively listening to customer needs, maintaining transparency by providing clear information about our products, pricing, and policies, ensuring customers feel informed and confident, providing responsive support by maintaining open communication channels, time-bound compliant resolutions, and lastly, consistency.

Prime Insights: How do you assess and measure the level of trust consumers place in your brand?

Assessing and measuring the level of trust consumers place in a brand involves several methods, namely, conducting surveys or gathering feedback from customers, monitoring online reviews and ratings on platforms like social media and tracking customer loyalty and retention metrics are some of the ways to gauge the trust and satisfaction customers place in our brand. A steady year-on-year growth of newer channel partners being added to our network also reassures the business and goodwill that our brand has created over the decade.

Prime Insights: What strategic goals and future plans do you have to ensure continued growth and success?

In the world of automotive lighting, innovation and precision are everything. They not only make cars look great, but more importantly, they improve safety and performance. That’s why, here at Genome, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries.
This year, we unveiled Raylux, our new brand dedicated to premium lighting solutions. Raylux features a meticulously engineered 2024 product line designed specifically for Indian roads. It’s a perfect blend of technology, style, and uncompromising performance. We’re talking off-roading lights, performance lighting, auxiliary lighting, LED highlights, and much more.
Raylux is a reflection of Genome’s rich heritage in engineering and our deep-rooted passion for perfection. It’s about staying true to our commitment to excellence and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in automotive lighting. We’re excited to see how Raylux lights up the road ahead!

Prime Insights: Reflecting on your entrepreneurial journey, what have been the most rewarding and challenging aspects?

It’s gratifying to see your vision come to life. Building a business from the ground up and seeing it grow and thrive is incredibly rewarding. Navigating uncertainty, dealing with market fluctuations and competitive pressures, managing risk, getting the right manpower, and facing setbacks while still staying motivated are some of the inherent challenges all entrepreneurs have faced during the growth curve, especially in the initial phase. Maintaining work-life balance while managing the demands of running a business can be challenging at times. Despite the challenges, the rewards of entrepreneurship often outweigh the difficulties. The satisfaction of building something meaningful, making a positive impact, and realizing your full potential makes the entrepreneurial journey incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.

Prime Insights: What advice would you offer to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their mark in the business world?

In simple words, Pursue what excites you; Passion fuels perseverance! Understand your audience deeply. Be open to change and learn from failures. It is very important to surround yourself with supportive mentors who have been through the journey, and last but not least, planning finances wisely and managing resources are some of the key points to mark before embarking on the entrepreneurial journey.

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