Enviro Water Integrate Pvt. Ltd.
Inspiration behind Starting Enviro Water Integrate Pvt Ltd
The incorporation of the Company “Enviro Water Integrate Pvt Ltd” was done to support the “WASTE TO WEALTH MISSION” of the nation. With the continuous Industrial growth, scarcity of water has become a Global Concern. This company has come out with an INNOVATIVE SOLUTION for Industries, which is not only Economical but results in bringing down Cost of Production in Manufacturing Industries.
The Inception Journey of Enviro Water Integrate Pvt Ltd
The inception of the company took place in Corona Age, during lock-down period. While searching for Water Conservation Techniques available across the globe, founder member of the company, Mr. Aditya Kumar observed that for Conservation of Water in Industries, was possible only with Waste Water Treatment Plant. Waste Water Treatment Plant has high Installation and Operation Cost. This made him to research on Water Conservation Techniques based on his practical experiences in various industries. This led him to arrive at Innovative Solution.
With the innovative technique formation of a Start-up company was taken up. Enviro Water “Integrate Pvt Ltd was incorporated on 1st May 2020 & was accorded Start-up recognition by START-UP India on 16th May 2020. The newly formed company received invitation from Principal Scientific Advisor to Govt. of India to participate in Inaugural Function of “Waste to Wealth Mission” under the banner of “Swachh Bharat Unnat Bharat”. The company participated in E-Conference & also E-Exhibition on 17th August 2020. Mr. Kumar expressed his gratitude to the visitors to his e-booth. 68 no. visitors had a visit to his e-booth.
Keeping Up With the Changing Market Trends
Introduction of Green Technology in Manufacturing Industries is the need of hour. Mr. Kumar believes in visualizing upcoming needs of the market & go beyond conventional technology. Industries are occupied in their day-to-day production activities & hence Enviro Water Integrate would like to support such industries with new technologies to upgrade their water system in economic & efficient way to move forward for industrial sustainability.
How R&D Is Essential for the Growth of Enviro Water Integrate Pvt Ltd
Mr. Kumar firmly believes that R&D is essential for the growth of any organization. In the current scenario, everything is changing rapidly that if a company doesn’t give importance to R&D, its sustainability would come under threat. Visualizing their limitation, Enviro Water Integrate has planned to support them with their research team in area of expertise.
What Type of Clientele Do You Serve
With regards to the clientele, Mr. Kumar mentions that they serve Manufacturing Industries, such as Steel Plant, Power Plant, Petrochemical Plant, Chemical Plants, and Papers Mills etc. which requires huge quantity of water for its operations. Such industries have multiple facilities within one factory premises & the water quality requirement for various units varies. Enviro Water Integrate provides technical consultancy services to such industries for a customized solution to achieve substantial reduction in their water consumption & to achieve “Zero Discharge of Water” from factory premises, through the technique of “Integration of Water System”.
What Are Milestones and Achievements of Enviro Water Integrate Pvt Ltd
Mr. Kumar shares various milestones and achievements of the company which has been highlighted below:
Idea is converted into Process Design.
- Complete Patent application is filed & it is published by Patent Authority.
- Patent application is under examination & approval is expected shortly.
- Company Website is active & communication to industries has been initiated.
- Our initial target is to get first opportunity in Steel Industry by December 2020.
- Target for the year 2021, would be to extend our services to at least 5 nos. of Industries.
- Target for the year 2021 – 2023, would be to extend our services to at least 25 nos. of Industries.
- Target for the year 2023 – 2025, would be to extend our services to at least 50 nos. of Industries.
What Can We Expect From Enviro Water Integrate Pvt Ltd In Future
According to Mr. Kumar, Enviro Water Integrate has an ambitious plan to extend its Water Conservation Services to all such industries, which requires huge quantity of water for their operations. They would be starting with Integrated Steel Plants, where they have already experimented & established the technology. For other industries, their R&D team would be working continuously to develop most economical solutions. Since their technology could be very well implemented in existing industries, they would be first focusing on existing industries, which is consuming water & Conservation of water is big concern for them.
Mr. Aditya Kumar’s Journey as an Entrepreneur
Mr. Aditya Kumar shares his entrepreneurial journey which is slightly different from others, in the sense that he started the journey in adverse situation. He tried to look into “Opportunity in Adversity”. During Lock-down period, while most of the entrepreneurs were under stress, he utilized this opportunity on Establishing the company, Research work, Patent filing work & so on. During normal working days such activities could not have been done so smoothly & efficiently. This has allowed him and his team to remain charged even during unprecedented Corona outburst period.
What Advice You Wish To Give To Young Entrepreneurs
Mr. Kumar speaks about the dreams of an entrepreneur and the stereotypes around the failure of such dreams. He suggests that such Entrepreneurs must realize that there is no fault in their dreams. Realization of their dreams needs certain modification in execution techniques. Need is to work on finding out better ways for execution & not giving up. Experts are available in every field now- a- days. Their services may please be availed to explore better solution. In the current scenario, it has become very easy to connect with experts virtually, so why to lose time. Please wake-up & realize your dreams, rest assured people are there to support you.
Message to Prime Insight Readers
Mr. Kumar’s message to the Prime Insights readers is that Water Conservation is a Global Issue; we all must come forward to work for it. It is a Sustainable Development Goal & the survival of human being and other species largely depends on availability of clean water. Industrial growth has impacted water availability adversely; hence need to bring awareness to secure their next generation. People go for Life Insurance policies to secure the next generation. Have they thought of how can up-coming generation would survive without WATER, even if they enough MONEY?
He appeals to the whole society to join hands together today itself, to make “Water Conservation Mission” a grand success.