BSEB 12th result 2023 results are to be out sooner this week: Check to find details-

BSEB 12th result 2023 results are to be out sooner this week: Check to find details-

BSEB 12th result 2023 results are to be out sooner this week

Bihar, BSEB Board Class 12th Result 2023 is likely to release the 12th exam result anytime this week, as per English Jagran. Candidates who have waited long and anticipated their labour will now find out the fruits of labour soon. The official website to find out the results is According to media reports, the results are likely to be announced on the 16th of March, 2023 or the day after. However, there is no official notice about the exact date. The class 10 exam was held on 14th February 2023 and continued till 22nd February 2023 and that of 12 was held from February 1 to 11 of this same year. The exam was held in two shifts- the first shift was from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm and the second shift was from 1:45 pm to 5 pm.

The overall pass percentage of the previous year was recorded at 80.15% while that of the Arts pass percentage was 79.53%. The Commerce pass % was 90.38 and that of Science was 79.81%. The passing marks for any marks year of the Bihar Board Exam are at least 33% in each subject. As per the news published last year on English Jagran, the topper of last year were as follows:  Science: Arjun Kumar, Shaurav Kumar. Arts: Shreya Kumari, Sangam Raj. Commerce: Vineet Singh, Piyush, Ankit Kumar.

The evaluation process of the exam started on 12th February 2023 and was completed on 5th March 2023. Candidates must note that the board will also organize a class 12 compartment exam for those who have failed to score the passing exam marks. The compartment exam will schedule after the result has been declared. Over 13.18 lakh candidates have registered to appear in the Bihar Board exam this year.

As per the previous year’s data, the overall pass % for the class 10 exam was 79.88% while for class 12 was 80.15%.

The steps to check the result for all candidates are given as follows:

Firstly, go to the official website as mentioned above.

Secondly, click on the link ‘Bihar Board 2022 10th Result or BSEB 12th Result.

Thirdly, as a new login page opens, candidates can see the page of class 10 or 12 results 2023 displayed.

Fourthly, candidates need to enter their roll code and the roll number in the respective boxes as mentioned.

Fifthly, they now can simply click on the ‘Search’ button to submit their details. The BSEB class 10 and 12 results as published in 2023 will appear in front of their eyes where marks obtained in each subject along with their scores will be given.

Anticipation still haunts the students as the exact date or timing has yet not been announced by the Bihar Education Board. Students who find difficulty due to over-jamming the official website and get tensed to check their results can also try another website- to see their results. Surveys reveal that the results can turn out far better than the previous year in 2023 and act on the expectations of candidates who are sure of their hard work.